Witness the dawn of the Cybertronian war with the Transformers War Dawn 2-Pack! From the iconic animated series, The Transformers, this multipack is inspired by the scene where dockworkers Orion Pax, Erial, and Dion are struck down during a Decepticon raid at the docks. Alpha Trion later rebuilds the fallen Orion Pax into Optimus Prime and Erial into Elita-1.
Celebrate the last 40 years of Transformers history with Transformers Legacy action figures for boys and girls. Transformers Legacy opens the portal to a whole new universe of More Than Meets the Eye, bringing together every generation of Transformers like you’ve never seen before.
Includes: 2 figures, 4 accessories, and instructions.
- WAR DAWN 2-PACK: Witness the dawn of the Cybertronian war with these 2 Transformers Deluxe Class collectible action figures. This 2-pack comes with Cybertronian Erial and Dion toys for 8 year old boys and girls
- INSPIRED BY G1: This pack is inspired by the scene from the animated series, The Transformers, where Erial and Dion are struck down during a Decepticon attack on the docks
- RE-MAKE THE SCENE: Includes 5.5-inch Cybertronian Erial and Dion Transformers toys. Cybertronian Erial toy and Dion toy also come with 2 blasters, missile launcher, and Energon canteen accessories
- AWESOME CONVERSION: Convert Cybertronian Erial action figure from robot to Cybertronian motorcycle mode in 19 steps. Convert Dion action figure from robot to Cybertronian truck mode in 20 steps
- EPIC PACKAGE ART: Package art is inspired by the dock on Cybertron as the Decepticons launch their attack in the scene from The Transformers