Following the events of Flashpoint, Zor-El, Superman's uncle, managed to flee the destruction of Krypton with the help of the Collector of Worlds, Brainiac. Enduring cybernetic enhancements that distorted his mind, Zor-El became known as Cyborg Superman, acting as Brainiac's agent in search of a superior species in the galaxy. He made a bold attempt to conquer Earth, facing off against both Superman and his own daughter Kara Zor-El. Despite a close call with Brainiac's black hole, Cyborg Superman survived and resurfaced during the Rebirth event. He resurrected the deceased Kryptonians from Argo City and launched another assault on Earth, only to be defeated by Supergirl and Superman.
- Highly pose-able with up to 22 points of articulation
- Highly detailed
- Collectable art cards with art on the front, and character biographies on the back
- 7-inch scale (17.78cm)
- Made of plastic
- Cyborg Superman Action figure
- Flight stand
- Trading card
Case fresh, however, some package wear may be present.