Kaiju No. 8 is a popular Japanese media franchise that was popularize by the manga series created by Naoya Matsumoto. The series, also known as "Monster #8", focuses on Kafka Hibino who gains the power to turn into a kaiju and must balance this new power with his role in a organization tasked with eliminating the monsters. Kaiju No. 8 has received critical and commercial success leading to a popular anime adaption, as the franchise continues to expand to other media forms.
*All figures sold separately
- Based on the Kaiju No. 8 anime series
- Part of the S.H.Figuarts line
- Highly articulated
- Insane detail
- Interchangeable parts and accessories
- 5.11 inches tall (13cm)
- Made of ABS and PVC
- Kikoru Shinomiya figure
- 3 Optional expression parts
- 2 Pairs of interchangeable hand parts
- Interchangeable hair (bangs) part
- 2 Types of pouches
- Gun
- Dedicated weapon
- Facial expression for S.H.Figuarts Kaiju No. 8 (sold separately)
Case fresh; however, some package wear may be present.