With both the manga & movie created, illustrated, and directed by the talented Katsuhiro Otomo, Akira is a super powered mind-bending masterpiece of a film that’s so iconic, it's largely responsible for the explosion of anime in the United States. In Japan, the Tokyo Motorcycle Show, also known as Nirin-Matsuri, is a three-day long, two-wheeled response to the Tokyo auto salon. By combining a bit of Bandai with these two iconic events, you'll get a miniature version of one of Akira's most essential takeaways: its dynamic visuals, gripping story, and well-developed characters. In honor of this 80s classic, the 2004 Tokyo motorcycle show and Bandai offered patrons a limited edition 1:12th scale replica of Kaneda’s bike.
- 2004 Tokyo Motorcycle Show Exclusive
- A nearly all diecast 1:12th scale body with removable plastic parts
- Fantastic sculpt and detail
- Intricately painted details on the heads up display
- 1:12 Scale Kaneda's Bike
- 2 Removable side skirts
- 2 Removable side windshield
- 2 Removable windshield side covers w/mirrors
- 4 Removable wheel covers
Standard Condition (Mint):
- New unopened
- Package wear is present